Sport 2000 Schöttl

Address: Falkenburg; Donnersbachstraße 102
PLZ/Ort: 8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
Tel: 03682 / 22952-0
Fax: 03682 / 22952-4

Other permanent establishment: 8953 Donnersbach, Planneralm 2

Registered number of company: FN 572625; LG Leoben - VAT identification no.: ATU 77736906

Object of the company: Trading in sports articles and related products
Data information, complaints and information: or +43 (0) 3682 22952
Member of the Chamber of Commerce/Styria (specialized division commerce)
Competent supervisory board: Chamber of Commerce Austria
Registered company office: Irdning: Place of fulfilment is Irdning; our General Terms of Business are valid; the legal venue is Irdning
Trade Code: Valid trade and professional rules and regulations
Basic web portal access : This web portal serves the purpose of advertising and selling the goods and services distributed by us.  
Banking connection in Austria:
Volksbank Steiermark AG: BLZ (banking code) 44770; account number: 40200426;
IBAN: AT124477000040200426 BIC: VBOEATWWGRA

Exclusion of liability

1. Contents of the online offer
The author does not accept any liability for the up-to-date ness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information given. Claims of liability against the author which relate to damages of a material or imaginatory kind and which have been caused by the use or non-use of the information given or the use of faulty and incomplete information, are excluded on principle, unless there is proof that the author has acted intentionally or grossly  negligently.

All offers are not binding and without engagement.. The author explicitly reserves the right of changing, complementing or deleting parts of the pages  or the whole offer without special announcement or of stopping the publication temporarily or definitively.

2.  Links and Hyperlinks
In case of direct or indirect links to other websites („Hyperlinks“) which lie outside the responsibility area of the author an obligation of liability would become due exclusively in the case that the author knows the contents and it would be technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent its use in the case of illegal contents. The author herewith explicitly declares that at the time when the link was installed no illegal contents on the pages to be linked were recognizable. The author cannot take any influence on the actual and future design, the contents or  the copyright of the pages to be linked. Therefore he herewith explicitly rejects the contents of all linked pages which were modified after the links were set. This applies to all links set within his own internet offer and for hyperlinks and entries by third parties in guest  books, discussion panels, link indexes, mailing lists and in all other forms of data banks, to the contents of which an external written access is possible. The offerer of the page to which the hyperlink was directed and not the person who only has made the link to the respective publication,  is liable for illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and in particular for damages which arise from the use or non-use of information offered in such a way.

3. Copyright and trademark law
The author will endeavour to observe the copyrights of the pictures, graphics, tone documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to make use of pictures, graphics, tone documents and texts produced by himself or to use licence-free graphics, tone documents, video sequences and texts. 
All trademarks and brands named within the internet offer and possibly protected by third parties are unrestrictedly subject to the rules and regulations of the respectively valid trademark law and the copyrights of the respectively registered proprietors. The mere mentioning does not necessarily mean that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties!

The copyright for objects published and produced by the author himself remains with the author of the pages. A reproduction or usage of such graphics, tone documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the explicit permission of the author.

4. Data protection
Credit card data are only used for the sales procedure and are not stored in our system. Customer data are not passed on to third parties, unless this is required to fulfil the contract (e.g. direct delivery to save time etc.). Partner firms will also observe the data protection law. The contractual data will be stored for invoicing and can be seen or called off by the customer.

5. Legal validity of this exclusion of liability
This exclusion of liability is to be seen as part of the internet offer to which a link has been made on this page. Should parts or the  individual wording of this text no longer or not completely comply with the valid law, the other parts of the document shall remain unaffected in their contents and their validity.

Only the German original text is legally valid.